Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Christmas this year was a breeze! As I get older, all the trappings seem to matter less and the people more - why does it take such a long time to learn this? Mike, Don and I were together on Christmas eve in Connecticut, and opened our stockings together the next morning. Then it was off to New Jersey to stop in on Don's mom for a bit. Ruth, at 93 and a half, is doing quite well - every once in awhile she'll go off on some tangent that makes you wonder, but mostly she's fairly alert and aware. Her hearing is dreadful, and that contributes a lot to confusion over whether she's understanding what you say, or just not hearing you. Nothing seems to help, and although there are multiple hearing aids, she never seems to be wearing them, so mostly we just shout in her ear.

Then we got back in the sleigh (ok, its a Toyota!) and off to David and Claire's house. Claire's entire extended family is visiting from Australia - brothers Paul and David, significant other Louise, sister Bron, significant other Matt, Denise and Mick. Including the baby, we were 13, and it was a good time! Claire and Dave did a masterful job with Denise's help putting on quite a spread, and it was a treat to not have to cook this year! Forgot to bring the camera, so no pix this time!


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