Friday, August 12, 2005

Another Great Week at the Farm

Just got back from another great week at the farm. It was really relaxing, and great to spend time with Paul and Laura and - of course! - niece Helen and nephew Jack. We picked blueberries and swam nearly every day - pool felt great, because it was so hot all week. The kids and I took the horse trail for a long hike one day - here's a picture of the intrepid hikers on the trail, braving heat and bugs and poison ivy!

Jack is very into building things - his favorite cartoon is a show called 'Bob the Builder'. So we got a birdhouse kit which he and Paul built. Good idea for Jack to learn early about using tools! After much debate, it was decided to paint the birdhouse 'John Deere' colors - green and yellow! I imagine it will be home to many happy feathered generations!


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